Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Custom Tokens #7: Black 1/1 Snake (from Ophiomancer)

It always really annoys me when certain cards I use don't have cool-looking tokens to go with them. Photoshop to the rescue!

There are tools online you can use to make your own tokens, but they have limitations, and I want my tokens to look as legitimate as possible—and that means using the most modern token layout (which debuted, I believe, with Magic 2015) and the proprietary Beleren font. Now, I don't have access to that font, so all the titles and type-lines of the tokens I make have to be spliced together in Photoshop from existing cards. The results, fortunately enough, look really good!

This card is pretty amazing in Commander, since it wards off early aggression and provides a never-ending supply of sacrifice fodder—it triggers on EACH upkeep, not just your own, after all! The token it produces is really important, but no official one has been printed. Here's my version of the token at full resolution so you can print it out for maximum effect:

This art comes from joanagarrido.com, with just a logo Photoshopped out. It seemed fitting to make the Commander 2013 expansion symbol gold because, although you might make a lot of these tokens, you will only ever have one at a time. Unless you are REALLY COOL and start using the "proliferate" ability.

As a final note: now that I have these tokens all built in Photoshop, it's really easy to swap out the art for anything else. If you find some better art and would like me to make a custom token for you using that art, just post it in the comments (or tell me where I can find it), and I'll put 'em together!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, really good work. The card looks clean and authentic - thanks for posting up for everyone's use and enjoyment.
