Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Custom Tokens #5: Green/Blue 2/2 Drake (from Leafdrake Roost)

It always really annoys me when certain cards I use don't have cool-looking tokens to go with them. Photoshop to the rescue!

There are tools online you can use to make your own tokens, but they have limitations, and I want my tokens to look as legitimate as possible—and that means using the most modern token layout (which debuted, I believe, with Magic 2015) and the proprietary Beleren font. Now, I don't have access to that font, so all the titles and type-lines of the tokens I make have to be spliced together in Photoshop from existing cards. The results, fortunately enough, look really good!

I have a Ravnica Cube (if you want to draft the cube or to look at the cube's cards / guiding philosophies, follow this link to the cube's CubeTutor page), and I love drafting Simic in that cube. Producing a steady stream of 2/2 flying creatures is surprisingly powerful, but it's annoying to have to use a random piece of cardboard for the tokens. Here's my version of the token at full resolution so you can print it out for maximum effect:

This art is a modified (color-changed, mostly) version of a piece of art called "Young Marsh Drake" by a DeviantArt user named "sandara." I used the Dissension expansion symbol because that's where Leafdrake Roost was first printed.

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